

Daily group classes

We offer 1-hour classes Monday through Sunday. You should wear comfortable clothes. We have mats and water at the center.

Unlimited class memberships

1 month - $180 [SIGN UP]
3 months - $450
6 months - $810
1 year - $1,200

Beginner Class Pass

8 Classes - $99

(expires in 1 month)

Other Services

Packages and discounts are available.

You can combine services for a better outcome. Our introductory session includes advice about what might be the best combination for you.

Seniors & students - 10% off everything

  • 3 hours - $99 [SIGN UP]

    In this workshop, you will learn about posture alignment, balance, brain-body coordination, and the ins and outs of proper stretching.

    If you want to improve your posture, balance and/or coordination, this workshop is for you. Also, if you feel you are not flexible or don’t enjoy stretching, this workshop is for you. When you understand the science of stretching, and how it relates to your mind, energy and consciousness, you can be flexible in a matter of days.

    Every second Saturday of the month

    1:00-4:00 pm

  • 6 hours - $295 [SIGN UP]

    An intensive 2-day program (6 hours per day) for groups.

    Learn how to manage your body, emotions, energy, for yourself, for the group you are working with, for your shared goals.

    This course will help you and your team experience and understand how the brain, energy and body work, and how they come together for manifestation and creation in a group setting.

    In this intensive, experiential process, participants will develop awareness and receive tools to manage emotions and thoughts and improve focus. They will learn how to be less reactive and more observant and responsive.

    They will experience energy as the bridge between the mind and the body and gain insight into the energy principles of release, breakthroughs, circulation, accumulation.

    Offered both on site and online.

  • 45 min - $130 [SIGN UP]

    90 min - $200 [SIGN UP]

    Energy healing is based on the principle of life energy flowing though meridians or energy channels in your body. We use different techniques suct as acupressure, sound healing or intuitive reading to identify and resolve patterns and energy blockages so that life energy can flow well.

    Energy healing sessions will help you heal your body and mind, release stagnant energy, and give you direction in your life. Overall, they will propel you towards the next steps in your life journey. They are carefully tailored to you and your specific needs, interests and goals.

    They are also helpful to work on a specific issue you might be dealing with such as body pain, emotional trauma, or relationship issues.

    Scheduled at your convenience.

    Offered both onsite or online.

  • 30-min - $80 [SIGN UP]

    60-min - $120 [SIGN UP]

    Intuitive/Psychic readings will help you get clarity and insight about your future.

    You will receive guidance, clarity, validation, and enhance your confidence in your journey. You’ll also discover and see new possibilities and pathways.

    Readings are comprehensive. Key information is read from the clearest level and distilled into everyday language so that you may understand why you experience the struggles you do and find ways to go through and forward.

    You may discuss any topic, such as relationships, past, future, work and career, phsysical-mental health, career, life purpose, spiritual growth, finances…

    Scheduled at your convenience.

    Offered both on site and online.

  • 90 min - $30 [SIGN UP]

    An introduction to the chakra system through both theory and practice.

    You will clear and balance your chakras while learning to pay more attention to your energetic condition. You’ll gain insight into some of the underlying causes behind any physical or mental issue you may be having, and receive simple, powerful tools to manage and expand your energy.

    Every first Saturday of the month

    10 am-11:30 am

  • 20 min - $25 [SIGN UP]

    See your aura or chakras’ condition and receive helpful advice to create more balance and harmony.

    Chakra readings are done with a pendulum going over your 7 chakras and are read by an expert healer.

    Aura readings are done with a biofeedback technology that shows a picture of your aura, which is interpreted by an expert healer.

    Both readings give you insight about your energy condition and habits or tendencies. You will receive advice about what you can do to balance your energy.

    Scheduled at your convenience.

    Aura readings can only be done on site. Chakra readings can be done online.

  • 1 session $99 [SIGN UP]

    5 sessions $450 [SIGN UP]

    10 sessions $795 [SIGN UP]

    Harlem Brain uses Neuroptimal neurofeedback, a 100% non-invasive, long-lasting, safe, brain training method that brings serenity, confidence, clarity, balance and wellness into your life.

    Much like an EKG or ECG, the NEUROPTIMAL®neurofeedback device is reading signals of your brain. The method is naturopathic and does not “push” the brain in any particular direction. It merely cues your central nervous system to do what is naturally best for YOUR brain. Noticeable shifts in your mood, awareness or energy level after brain training depend on the individual and can vary from session to session.

    A typical session runs for 33 minutes. You would sit in a comfortable chair facing the computer screen with headphones, then the program would start and the brain training begins. You will listen to music and you may notice very brief pauses in the sound or image. These precise interruptions give the brain vital information to reorganize itself to operate optimally. You don’t have to do anything while this is happening. Just let your brain do its job.

    How many sessions should I run per week?

    The minimum we recommend is once a week because through the training the brain is learning a new way of decision-making and, like learning a new language, the more frequently the brain practices, the faster we learn. Similarly to training our muscles, the same amount of consistency is needed to train our brains to create healthy patterns. Our recommendation is to train 1-3 times a week, and do it consistently for 15-20 sessions. We see the best results when trainees never miss a week. Consistency pays off!

  • 12 hours - $395

    A deep dive into your heart chakra and your life experience from the time you were born to date. Heal your past, understand yourself and the fundamental principles of life deeply, reset your mind and energy to the present and start to create the future you want.


Outreach and collaborations

At Harlem Brain, we offer classes and courses tailored to your group’s interests or needs.

Whatever an organization’s culture, history, goals might be, we all share an interest in helping our organization or community be healthy and thrive. The interconnectedness of life and energy is the foundation of any system, and ultimately it is up to the individuals in a group and their health, motivation and focus, for the system as a whole to function at its best.

Our classes and workshops offer a mind-body holistic perspective & experience which can be tailored to a variety of themes or areas of focus, such as physical and mental wellness, emotional/stress management, team-building, leadership and performance, community bonding, effective communication, or overall professional development.

Harlem Brain has done workshops for different groups, including university students at Columbia and NYU, children in summer camps, teachers and educators in public schools, government officers, influencers and creators, seniors, groups of friends/communities & more.

Sessions can be done at our space or your space, or online. We can do a one-time workshop or a series of sessions.

Contact us if interested to organize a group session or series of sessions for your organization or group.

We also sell products for your brain-body wellness

Crystals & jewlery

Signature Tea for Brain-Gut Health

Empowering T-shirts